NC Esports Insider
Behind the scenes of Esports

BCX 2022

Over this past weekend, I flew down to Atlanta Georgia to attend the BCX (Brawlhalla World Championship Expo) 2022 esports event. Since I'm already involved in the brawl community, this was a perfect opportunity for me to go meet so many other content creators, developers, and professional players.
The whole entire experience was absolutely phenomenal. I got to meet so many cool people, win in game rewards, and just enjoy being in the city of Atlanta. Once again, I want to reiterate the importance of socialization, as it's probably the best benefit out of esports. Being able to be social and with the best players in the world is such an amazing feeling. I was also able to learn so much from talking with so many different people. 
What Went Down
To further explain, Brawlhalla is 2D fighting game consisting of dozens of legends with unique abilities brawling to the death. I've been a Brawlhalla streamer for a little over a year and a half now I've gotten to meet a lot of the other streamers like in the pictures above.
This past weekend was the Brawlhalla World Championship and players from all over the world like Brazil, Europe, and Australia came here to compete and it was hype.
On the first day pros were coming in playing games on the main stage, side stage, and the other areas. There's was a large area in the center for spectators to watch the matches on the main stage. There was also a merchandise booth, free play area, content creator panel, and lots of minigames for people to earn in game cosmetics. I loved gathering around certain matches that have a large crowd surrounding the players, and whenever someone won the crowd would scream with excitement. 
I think what I enjoyed the most was after the day one was over, and I went with some of the pro players and content creators I met and had dinner with them. That's where I got to meet and know them and really have a good time.
Overall, I extremely enjoyed this trip, and it probably is the most fun I've had in a long time. I also really enjoyed being able to be included and spend time with the friends I made online, in person. I invite readers to look into your favorite games and find out what events may be held near you that you could attend. I look forward to attending more events in the future, meeting more people, and even competing in events in the future as well.
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