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5 Of The Biggest Benefits of Esports

By, Jacob Jones 
When you of think esports, you think about video games and playing at a professional level. Therefore, it may not apply to you, or you may think that you can't be included in that field.

However, esports is more than being just about playing at a professional level. There's a lot of things you can learn from esports even if your career or interest are in something else. Here this blog list out 5 of the biggest benefits you can gain from esports.
Photo By Dr. Laurie Walczak on
1. Socialization
Playing games with friends or even someone you've never even met before can always be fun. Video games allow you to socialize and meet thousands of different kinds of people who you can hang with, which makes the gaming experience so much better. According to the University School of Milwaukee blog site, esports "offer a unique opportunity to build connections across diverse populations; esports openness to everyone encourages inclusion. Playing together in a shared space—whether a shared virtual space or a physical space like an esports arena—is the goal of esports, and doing so establishes community, friendship, school spirit, and a sense of belonging."

2. Mental Health
The truth is that it can go both ways when it comes to mental health. Meaning that for some, having a game addiction could lead to abnormal behaviors and your overall mental health could suffer. However, looking at the positive end, video games can do wonders for your mental health. Video games stimulate your mind, help build problem solving skills and relieve stress. "Video games can also help people who are dealing with mental disorders like anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), " according to 

3. Success/Accomplishment
Everyone loves to achieve something. Whether it's in sports, academics, dieting, content creating, and more. The sense of accomplishment also connects to your mental health, and video games offer a great route towards getting that feeling. By playing games with objectives that give you a goal to reach like getting a certain rank, badge, level, customizable outfits, and etc. you get a sense of accomplishment that boosts your self-confidence which is good for mental health. Personally, I used to love the achievements category on Xbox, where you can see all of your locked and unlocked achievements and was my reason for playing for a long time. 

4. Failure

Failure is one of the biggest benefits in a lot of things because failing allows you to improve. What makes it even better is that, when you're playing a video game you have endless and limitless times to fail until you succeed. "Video games help people learn how to cope with failure and keep trying. This is an important tool for children to learn and use as they get older," also according to Major parts of failure are the concept of trial and error, "emotional resilience," and building critical thinking skills. These things can also lead to developing leadership traits even in the real world.

5. It's Fun

At the end of the day the overall goal that video games try to have, is to make sure you enjoy it. The main reason most people play certain games is because they enjoy it. You want to be up at midnight getting victory royale's on Fortnite or getting home Friday night excited because it's double XP weekend on Call of Duty. It's even better when you're in the esports scene playing for money, so that way you're having fun and getting paid at the same time which is one the best feelings to have.

Try playing one of your favorite games this weekend or even a trending game and see how you feel about playing. Think about what you're accomplishing as you play and get an understanding of video games that can benefit you.

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